Helping the Community…

From Providing a Community Breakfast on every 4th Sunday in the Trinity Fellowship Hall to outreach singing Christmas Carols , our Trinity youth love to help and have a great time doing so. Youth Director, Steve Matta, welcomes all young people over the age of 12 to join with them Sundays from 5 to 7 p.m. This is the time for fun activities, fellowship with other young people, having food and worship…all in the name of Christ!

Every 4th Sunday the Youth Group prepares a Community Breakfast for anyone who would like to enjoy a hot meal. All are welcome!

Trinity Youth Collect for local food pantries on Souper Bowl Sunday. – We hope Julia’s team won!

Julia contributing to food pantries on SouperBowl Sunday

The Youth Group have an “ARK ENCOUNTER”

Half the fun of giving at Christmas is making the ornaments to give away in their goodie bags while they are out Caroling.

Christmas Caroling for our Seniors is one of the ways our Youth Group spread cheer during the holidays. Thank you, Jane Pierce, for being their captive audience!

There is no better fun than a Corn Maze and Hay Ride in the Fall…

Our Youth Group had a blast at the Cumming Fair with the rides, food and of course winning stuffed animals.